Canvas & Email Support
Get help with online learning tools and resources.
Student Tutorials
Additional tutorials help in answering frequently asked questions.
Borrow Equipment
Get loaner laptops, wifi hotspots, or calculators.
Buy textbooks, technology, and campus merchandise.
Health & Wellness Center
Connect with a personal counselor or telemedicine.
Worried about a Friend or Someone You Know?
File a Cares Report for them to get mental health support on campus.
Find Community at Cañada
Get involved with student leadership, campus clubs, and events.
Support with Food, Housing, and Finances
The SparkPoint Center can help you manage finances.
Disability Resource Center
Connect with the DRC for mental health, neurodivergency, and physical ability.
County Emergency Resources
Find health and safety resources from the county.
Promise Scholars Program
Offers financial support and dedicated counseling for first time, full time students.
Provides financial assistance, dedicated counseling, academic supplies & holistic support to eligible students.
Title IX Support
Report any incidents of sexual harassment or sexual misconduct.
Map & Directory
View campus map and directory, including a list of all gender restrooms.